Alternative Medicine

Functional and Integrative

Functional and integrative medicine are very similar. Both use an alternative, personal approach that works with a patient to improve their symptoms. They also combine conventional testing and holistic treatments. There is a primary emphasis on treating your body and mind through nutrition, exercise and in-office treatments. Yet, there are aspects of functional medicine that set it apart from integrative and other techniques.

As an alternative medicine professional, Dr. Trites’ utilizes a functional medicine approach. His testing is designed to understand why a person is experiencing specific symptoms and conditions. From these tests, he customizes recommended treatments to treat the root cause of each condition. Alternative functional medicine is different from other practices because the emphasis is on the why. Rather than an immediate diagnosis and then a treatment for the symptoms. You could have an autoimmune diagnosis and treatment plan and feel better—but what happens if you stop your therapy or treatment? Most of the time, it comes back. So, was the cause discovered? The answer is no.

Integrative medicine looks at how and what, but functional medicine also asks why. Research into each patient’s medical history and family background are a priority. Our program includes an analysis of your genetic makeup because of its importance to evaluate for present and future health.

No matter how big or small, every detail of your personal health story plays a part in your complete health. Dr. Trites is committed to uncovering the cause of symptoms. Once uncovered, he treats underlying causes and reducing or reversing chronic diseases. During your journey, Dr. Trites provides the gold standard for testing and treatment to every individual. He uses the most up-to-date methods of alternative, functional health care to get answers and results.

Dr. Trites’ patients appreciate his patient-centered, root-cause approach to alternative functional medicine. New Leaf Health provides an easy-to-understand approach to navigating through the diverse world of functional medicine. These methods help our patients improve and heal naturally.

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