April Newsletter

I hope this finds you well as you shelter with your family and pets. In August of this year, I planned to launch a book about how to treat yourself at home. However, due to the pandemic, the publishing date has been moved up to June by my publisher. In the interim, I will be having webinars for whoever wants to attend, with topics discussing how to help you and your family at home.

The first three-part series includes:

  • The top things you can do, other than wash your hands and socially isolate, to provide your immune system with the best opportunity to function 
  • The top things you can eat, or nutritional supplements to take that have been medically researched and recommended to boost an immune system and debunk those not verified
  • What someone who has diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, osteopenia, or any other autoimmune conditions should do above and beyond the first two topics given our new world

Below are the links to sign up for one or all three parts in the first series. Each one-hour webinar will be live and will include approximately 30 minutes of information followed by a 30-minute Q&A. There will be downloadable information sent to you by email following each webinar. If you can’t attend, the recorded webinars will be available, allowing you to watch and rewatch at your leisure for a full year with your registration. Each webinar is just $40 to participate—which is 10x less than a one-hour office visit. This is an incredible value and opportunity to learn from Dr. Trites.

Dr. Trites’ Webinar #1—Register Now for the April 21st event

Dr. Trites’ Webinar #2—Register Now for the April 28th event

Dr. Trites’ Webinar #3—Register Now for the May 5th event

As of today, none of my patients have had COVID-19, and I’m sure that will change, but most of my patients suffer from autoimmune disorders, and many have a challenged immune system. We will continue to gather the data as it comes along. 

For patients in our genetic program, the world has been testing and swabbing mouths of those infected with COVID-19 and experts have identified 300 genes that not only affect brain chemistry but allow us to perceive more stress compared to others and also a person’s COVID-19 susceptibility.

If we already have your raw gene data and you’d like to have your genes evaluated in this way, contact frontdesk@newleafhealthandwellness.com so we can run these tests for you. The gene test is $100 and the 40-page report contains a wealth of plain-language information. There are many test results on the report showing your specific susceptibility to traits including but not limited to COVID-19, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ADD or ADHD, alcohol or opioid addiction, autism, bipolar, anger, and others.

Review the report yourself and if you have questions and would like a 15 or 30-minute consultation you can schedule it on our website by clicking HERE. Keep in mind the test result example below is what we are specifically reviewing at this time. 


COVID-19 susceptibility analysis

The antibody test for COVID-19 immunity will likely be available in our office by early May. I’m crossing my fingers, but it would be nice to know if we have immunity or not and compare that to our genetic expression. Many of our patients will benefit from weekly or bi-monthly urinalysis because we can monitor your blood chemistry and make recommendations with real data while limiting your exposure to the virus.

And lastly, we are now providing blood-draw services in our office which eliminates the need to visit a local lab testing facility. Our blood-draw fee is $10 which is a $20 savings versus visiting a local lab. 

I look forward to connecting with you during the webinar series!

Dr. Trites