How to Avoid a Virus

Although there are no guarantees that anything will work to avoid a virus, and, if you take recommended supplements, live in a bubble, and have purchased a lifetime supply of Lysol or bleach, it’s still not impossible for you to get sick. Apply common sense including thorough handwashing, not touching your face, coughing or sneezing into a tissue or your bent elbow, stay home when you are sick, and go to the doctor when you are.

Our office is closely monitoring symptoms, using nutrition, diet, and using microcurrent to help those who are sick or feeling ill from COVID-19 or other pathogens. As always, we can review lab results, answer your questions, and perform evaluations online through our patient portal (aka virtual or telemedicine). While this form of communicating does not include mechanoreceptor stimulation, at least you’re doing something to keep your immune system boosted. 

The virus that causes the virus known as coronavirus, COVID-19, or the Wuhan virus—

  • Usually spreads from close person-to-person contact through respiratory droplets created from coughing and sneezing. (This is why we’re being asked to stay in our homes and honor requests for “social distancing.”)
  • May also spread through airborne transmission, when tiny droplets remain in the air even after the person with the virus leaves the area. (According to research by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it’s not just the person next to us we should worry about: coughing spreads droplets as far as six meters, and sneezing as much as eight meters. These droplets stay suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes.
  • The COVID-19 virus is only diagnosed with a laboratory test.