Functional Interconnectivity

Functional interconnectivity is a combination of functional medication, functional neurology, nutrition, acupuncture and genetics into a system of examinations, questions and thought which enables us to provide the best advice and care for our patients. This is a newer concept of how we work. How do our genetics play a role? What is the expression? What should you eat for your genes and lifestyle? Do you have any lab results that are out of medical range, functional range? How is your brain firing? Do your hormones work properly?

Your nervous system is 37 miles long in each of us and senses things beyond normal comprehension. Have you ever walked into a room only to felt you shouldn’t be there? What’s the energy in a church compared to a prison, the feelings of a wedding versus a funeral? How can someone have a limb removed yet have phantom pain as if they never lost the limb at all? This is our nervous system talking to us. A bad feeling is a gut feeling, part of the enteric nervous system of your gut. Phantom pain is a part of the brain for sensation and sorrow or joy or another part. Your nervous system has many options for feeling and thought that are not limited to only a specific part of your brain. Looking at any and all options to help you recover and stay recovered is what we do. We investigate, test, retest and examine your results throughout your treatment plan.

Did you know that your brain uses 20-30 percent of the calories you eat each day? Your cells, especially your brain cells, need specific types of high-quality nutrients to operate at peak performance. If you want to live a healthier, longer life with less pain then you must fuel your brain and body with high-quality nutrients. In short, we all have to eat right to think and function right.

For the most part, we fail at eating right because we have been raised on a Standard American Diet, SAD for short. The U.S. is 35th in world health yet for decades we have been first in spending. That’s not the number one we should be focused on. Spending is not prevention. So, I’ve decided to write down a few highlights to get everyone started. We live in a toxic world with 350 different pesticides, 75,000 chemicals utilized in industry, herbicides, indoor and outdoor air pollution, xenohormones and more. It’s obvious we can’t avoid being exposed. I like my carpet where I watch football games but the carpet is made from chemicals. However, we can take efforts by being responsible for our environments and also what goes into and on our bodies. DIET is a four-letter word that doesn’t work. Lifestyle modification absolutely works. I promise you can do anything if you think big enough. You may have to modify, change, adapt and integrate any plan. But you can do it. It starts with believing it, making a plan, sticking to the plan, understanding it’s hard and that you will slip up and then making a commitment to start anew. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, so to speak.

Food allergies and sensitivities have become much more common in today’s world. They are very complex and vastly overlooked when a health problem arises. The most common way to test for food allergies is with blood tests followed by an elimination diet. Certain questionable allergic foods are eliminated from the diet for three to nine months. Then they are reintroduced. This is easier said than done.

Be well,

Dr. Trites

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