Raising Healthy Kids

Kids don’t come with an owner’s guide.

We blend holistic healing with functional medicine and traditional chiropractic to help your kids be as healthy as possible.

As a parent, you make decisions every day that affect the health and happiness of your children. Unfortunately, kids don’t come with an owner’s manual and ensuring sure they stay healthy isn’t always as easy as you might think.

While there’s no doubt most pediatricians want your kids to be healthy, the practice model they are trained to follow is what we call the “weigh and measure” approach. If you’re lucky, your pediatrician will spend 15 minutes with your child. While monitoring height and weight can provide important clues about how your child is doing compared to what’s ‘normal,’ the development of the immune system, nervous system, digestive systems, and detoxification pathways are even more important to keep an eye on as children grow.

At New Leaf Health and Wellness, Dr. Trites takes a different approach to child wellness. His approach blends holistic healing practices with functional medicine and traditional chiropractic to help your kids be as healthy as possible, right from the start. As with our adult patients, we know that the human body was designed to heal itself and that, when given the right nutrition, environment, and natural support when needed, humans (even the little ones) will naturally heal and thrive.