Medical Insurance Coverage

Many functional medicine practitioners get asked if medical insurance can be utilized to pay for services. Conventional and government-supplied coverage is a very important topic to most people and we understand the benefits and challenges our patents face.
Please understand—if you are truly seeking functional medicine as a way to improve your health, payment through the typical insurance model simply does not exist. It is my opinion that health practitioners who treat patients under the umbrella of functional medicine AND take insurance is the equivalent to seeking a nutritionist who suggests you adhere to a strict fast food diet.
The bottom line is that insurance companies (both private and governmental) dictate how every physician, therapist, pharmacist, clinic and other caregivers work, and what therapies or treatments can be performed while receiving “approved” benefit payments. The rules dictated by insurance companies effectively handcuff your functional medicine practitioner. Insurance companies limit what your doctor can really do to improve your health—in other words, I cannot use all the tools in my toolkit and expect your insurance company to process payment.
Understanding this dynamic is why our office makes every effort to utilize your insurance for services including but not limited to laboratory tests, radiographic and other types of imaging, and other insurance-covered studies (when required).
We do accept payments through Health Savings Accounts, Flexible Spending Accounts, and other medical spending options not dictated by typical insurance industry or government rules.