Activated B6

$28.00 available on subscription

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Vitamin B6 is an important part of many different functions within your body. It provides your immune system with the support it requires to effectively ward off bacteria and viruses. It helps your blood sugar levels remain stable and it aids your skin in staying healthy. It’s also involved in the creation of important brain chemicals. B6 participates in the breakdown and use of carbohydrates and fats for your metabolism and energy.

Dietary sources of vitamin B6 include protein, vegetables, and fruit. Some people get enough through a healthy diet, but you may be at risk for a deficiency if you’re pregnant, exercise too much, are over 40 years old, use hormone pills, shots, creams or gels, drink alcohol, smoke‚ or take medications. Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate as Activated B6 contains the active form of vitamin B6‚ pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P-5-P); unlike the inactive form‚ your body doesn’t have to use up its stores of vitamins and minerals when absorbing and using them.

Activated B6 provides a healthy dose of vitamin B6 that’s easy for your body to absorb. 50 mg of pyridoxal-5-phosphate is the only active ingredient in each capsule. Taking this supplement may boost immunity, increase energy levels, and promote healthy-looking skin. It may also reduce your risk of suffering from bad moods, nervousness, dizziness, tiredness, and irritability.

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