SHAPE ReClaimed


How We Use SHAPE ReClaimed™ to Improve Your Success with Autoimmune Conditions


Whether you realize it or not, food is both medicine and fuel to your body. How often and what you eat, your lifestyle, family history, work and sleep habits all have a dramatic impact on your overall wellness. The SHAPE ReClaimed program highlights negative eating habits that contribute to common health challenges.
SHAPE ReClaimed is a safe, effective nanomolecular dietary supplement created to decrease total body inflammation, enhance immune function, detox and cleanse—all while reducing excess weight.

SHAPE ReClaimed was developed out of decades of clinical experience and is the program’s foundation. What the folks at SHAPE ReClaimed discovered is that the synergistic combination of ingredients in SHAPE ReClaimed, along with the outlined total wellness program, is delivering astounding transformative health benefits for people in the program. The result, in addition to weight loss, is a re-energized, revitalized you!

SHAPE ReClaimed is a practitioner-supervised program and one part of an overall successful wellness approach and philosophy. It is not a “magic bullet,” but when incorporated into the program’s protocol, along with sound lifestyle choices, the results are truly life-changing. Dr. Trites has many patients in the SHAPE ReClaimed program and provides a detailed assessment to determine whether you’re a good candidate for the program.

It can be difficult to define an autoimmune patient and know the best approach. Each patient suffering from an autoimmune disorder needs a custom-designed plan to address their own specific conditions for success. Dr. Trites works to identify existing your autoimmune conditions (if any exist), explains how SHAPE ReClaimed can be used as a method of treatment, how different patients respond to the program, and what you can expect from the program while identifying and treating your concurrent health problems.

Take the first step to learn if SHAPE ReClaimed may be right for you by scheduling an appointment through our website or by calling our office.
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