Diseases are not static. They evolve. Our non-invasive thermographic testing is painless and provides vital information to help us detect and treat certain conditions.

Whole-Body Thermography

All thermography appointments are scheduled for 1.5 hours, including the thermography scan and a review of the results with one of the doctors in our clinic. Thermography appointments are $497, and you do not have to be a current New Leaf Health patient to schedule a thermography scan and report!

Chronic illness develops over time. Whole-Body Thermography can identify underlying causes, often long before symptoms develop. Early detection is important as it enables us to address, optimize and restore your health.

Early Detection •  Identifying Root Cases of Illness • Guiding and Monitoring Treatment
Regulation Thermography is a functional test of organs and related systems. It evaluates your physiological health. A whole-body health screening is for every body!

How Does It Work?

An infrared sensor measures skin temperature at more than 100 points on the body before and after exposure to room temperature. Organs respond to this cooling stimulus on the skin surface via the autonomic nervous system. How well your nervous system can influence the skin temperature at each point reveals information about the health of the underlying organs.

Early detection with thermography saves lives.

Many medical imaging tests are typically only performed after an abnormality is identified during a physical screening.

By taking advantage of additional screening methods, like thermography, our doctors can identify early signs of many diseases giving patients time to take proactive approaches and utilize early treatment.

The Federal Drug Administration accepts thermography as an adjunct to other diagnostic testing for

Extracranial Cerebral Vascular Disease • Female Breast Conditions • Musculoskeletal Disorders • Neoplastic and Inflammatory Conditions • Peripheral Vascular Disease • Thyroid Gland Abnormalities

Professional clinical thermography can detect major problems in the early stages of diseases in:















Small Intestine

Spinal Column

What to expect

The test is safe and non-invasive using state-of-the-art medica-grade equipment. Detailed appointment instructions are provided when an appointment is scheduled.

Completing the paperwork in advance is important! This provides valuable information about you—making the report review and recommendations specific to your case.

The test is gentle and painless. The entire testing process is 20-30 minutes. There is no radiation whatsoever involved in this test.

A detailed patient report is provided. Following the testing process, there is a 30-minute review of the report with a doctor in our clinic to explain the results and make recommendations.

Thermal imaging or thermography is a tool that creates a digital map of your body that illustrates heat patterns—patterns that may detect some condition or abnormality. It uses a scanning-type infrared that measures your body surface temperature, presenting the information as a digitized image.





Thermography allows for early detection and thereby timely investigation and intervention BEFORE symptoms manifest.

Thermography offers the unique insight of your body’s current physiology and a first glance at developing conditions, long before the much later stage detection of conventional imaging. The resulting image from a thermogram is like a heat map with different temperatures represented by different colors.

Schedule An Appointment

Click HERE to listen to Dr. Trites’ Podcast

Whole Body Thermography—Why you need tested yesterday!