Natural Solutions for your Thyroid Problems

Find the root cause and start feeling better today.

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How to start healing your thyroid.

As a functional medicine doctor, Dr. Trites, will ensure the right tests are ordered and provide an expert evaluation of the results. He’ll help you uncover the true cause of your health problems, AND then guide you through the process of healing. Dr. Trites’ goal is to help his patients along a path of natural healing.
Dr. Trites guides hundreds of people through this process every year. Whether you are dealing with hyperthyroid issues or hypothyroid issues, we can help! Our approach is truly customized to the needs of each patient. There’s no cookie-cutter approach to the process. No two patients are alike so no two treatment plans are exactly alike.

Are you ready to feel better?

“I recommend Dr. Trites to everyone!
He successfully diagnosed my thyroid issues and put me on the track to correcting the issue. Within months my thyroid is working as it should and did I not have to take prescriptions, supplements, or medications!”
—Shea J, North, Myrtle Beach, SC

Dr. Trites’ Functional Medicine approach gets you on the road to healing faster.

Most doctors only try to determine if your thyroid is high or low. This is a problem because the thyroid is not that simple.

In Functional Medicine, we understand that there are many elements that must work well in order for you to have good thyroid health.

Dr. Trites’ eight-step process identifies the root cause of your thyroid issues. This is the only way to have true thyroid health—often without a prescription!
The clinical definition of hyperthyroidism, many times referred to as hyperthyroid, is the overactivity of the thyroid gland resulting in a rapid heartbeat and an increased rate of metabolism.

The clinical definition of hypothyroidism, many times referred to as hypothyroid, is the abnormally low activity of the thyroid gland resulting in retardation of growth and mental development in both children and adults.

In both situations, the thyroid gland, a dual-lobed gland located in the front of the neck, is not producing the optimal amount of hormones to meet the needs of your body. Thyroid hormones regulate the way our bodies use energy.

Is your brain talking to your thyroid to tell it to make the appropriate amount of thyroid hormone?
Is your thyroid able to make the T4 hormone?
Once the inactive T4 is made, can your body covert it into the active T3 hormone?
Is the hormone being delivered well to the cells to do its work?
Do you have the proper nutrition required for a healthy thyroid, like selenium, manganese, zinc, iodine, iron, Vitamin A, or the amino acid tyrosine?
Is fluoride and chlorine exposure impairing your thyroid hormone production?
How is your gut and liver health? This affects how much active thyroid hormone your body produces.
Are other factors, like chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, sugar problems like insulin resistance or hypoglycemia affecting your thyroid function?
Do you still have questions? We want to make sure we’re a good fit for you.
Schedule a free, 10-minute phone consultation with Dr. Trites’ assistant or jump right in and schedule a consultation with Dr. Trites.
Click the Schedule an Appointment button at the top of this page to learn more.