
Get your questions answered and the most current information available on a variety of topics and learn how to better manage your health.
Each webinar includes approximately 30 minutes of information followed by a Q&A.
Each webinar is just $40 to participate in—which is 10x less than a one-hour office visit.
This is an incredible value and opportunity to learn from Dr. Trites.
If you were unable to attend the live webinar, you can still purchase access to each recording and watch it as often as you like for a full year.

Brain Function—Part One

Memory and Brain Function—What Can You Do for Your Memory, Brain and Function at Home. Some basics on how the brain works; an introduction to what is and isn’t working.
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Brain Function—Part Two

Memory & Brain Function—What Can You Do for Your Memory, Brain and Function at Home. What could be getting in your way of proper function?
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Brain Function—Part Three

Memory, Brain Function—What can you for for your Memory, Brain and Function at Home? Self-testing and how to save your brain function at home for the adult and child.
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Immunity—Part One

Immunity—The Top Things To Do, Other than Hand Washing and Social Isolation, to Provide Your Immune System the Best Opportunity to Function
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Immunity—Part Two

Immunity—The Top Things You Can Eat, or Nutritional Supplements to Take, that have been Medically Researched to Boost Immunity and Debunk Those not Verified
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Immunity—Part Three

Immunity—What Someone with Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia or Other Autoimmune Conditions Should Do Above and Beyond the First Two Topics, Given Our New World
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